Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it gives everyone permission to look for the good in their life, to appreciate the wonderful gift of life, and to express gratitude to others.  It's actually cool to show your appreciation!

Thanksgiving invites us into Svadhyaya -the practice of self-reflection. It encourages us to go within to examine our lives and our selves, to reflect on what we are thankful for, to find the positive in those things that may not seem so good at first glance, to grow the feeling of gratitude, and to express it - to share it.

Thanksgiving is a celebration of what is good and the growth we've made along the way.  This celebration becomes fertilizer to help grow more good.

Here is a funny video about gratitude or lack thereof:

Check it out and then go Give Thanks for something or someone in your life!  Make everyday Thanksgiving!


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